Sunday, November 8, 2009

Not much action the last couple of days with light rain falling Friday and Saturday. We had 9mm total here at Pine CLiff but only 20km away there was 45mm. Not what you need on ready to harvest crops. Pictures are of me inspecting some Gregory wheat that is almost ready to go and getting the front onto the Header to get a sample of the Durum last Thursday. Sunny and breezy here today so I may be able to get a sample later this afternoon to see how close we are. The 10 day forecast has got rain next week so I am getting a bit nervous about a repeat of last year (lots of rain through the harvest period). Given that possibility if the wheat is harvestable we will geeting it at high moisture and drying it.
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  1. Hi Richard ,your Gregory looks handy. Finish our Chickpeas this Am, a few small paddocks of Ventura to clean up, then lift 4 silobags. Baling barley straw today having been cut overnight. We had up to 10mm Friday miles too wet Sat dry as Sunday. Hope your harvest is fine from here. Headers are heading south some to Forbes some looking.

  2. Hello Richard!
    Harvest is not really on the agende here in sweden but I will follow your blogg with great interest anyhow. Dont forget to take some pictures of the people involved. Take care, Alfred
